Friday, September 14, 2018

Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan

Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan

When learning about this new idea of a lesson plan I was kind of overwhelmed at first. How is a teacher supposed to do that much planning and modifying for just ONE lesson. Teaching has always been a passion of mine and I knew from the age of 13 that I was meant to be a teacher. Both my parents are teachers and I grew up loving the idea of impacting younger people.

So was this one little piece of teaching going to intimidate me, and push me away?? Of course not! It'll be a learning process to figure out, but that's what school is for right? To learn!

The part of this lesson plan that will be the hardest for me is the Modifications under Closure. I'm not really sure about what to do if a student doesn't get what I'm saying after I've explained it a couple different ways.

The part that will be easiest, will be the Technology Used. Anymore, technology has made its way into the classroom and for sure making impacts on students' learning for the better.

The part that has the most impact on the students is the Teaching. This is where they are listening to YOU and learning from YOU! To them, you know everything, and they want to know all that they can from you!

The parts the play a lesser role is the Independent Practice. A lot of this will come from what of the lesson they understand already. If taught well, this will be an easy transition time more activities.

1 comment:

  1. It was insightful for me to read your post. I agree that teaching (input) is the most impactful but don't forget your "wow" factor of the hook.


EDUC 337- Week 8